Full professional proficiency

Customized language course

Is your company entering a new market soon? Or would you like to improve your communication with foreign-language clients, colleagues or partners? At Landa Languages we offer tailor-made language courses designed to meet your needs.

What do we offer?

Our language courses focus on developing language skills that are directly applicable in your daily work. The training is individual, which allows us to focus on customization and efficiency. Our courses are available in 4 languages:

  • French
  • German
  • English
  • Dutch

How do we work?

We start with a discovery meeting in which we determine your language level in the professional context. After that, we draw up a personal implementation plan. We evaluate the training regularly and make adjustments where necessary. Your language training always takes place online. This way, we do not lose any time and we can adapt to your busy schedule.

At the end of the course, you have the necessary knowledge and skills to perform your job in a foreign language.

Who is this language course for?

Our language courses are aimed at professionals who want to improve their language skills for their job. We focus on creating language confidence no matter what sector you are in.

Ready to break down language barriers? Then request a free discovery meeting.

Full professional proficiency

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